Everything About Scuba Diving

Scuba diving offers a physical challenge, mental relaxation and a deeper connection with nature. It also promotes marine conservation.

Before diving, a diver must complete a medical examination to ensure that they are healthy enough to dive. They must also pass a scuba skills test in a swimming pool.

What is scuba diving?

Scuba diving is an activity where people are able to explore underwater. This is accomplished with the help of a breathing apparatus which allows the divers to stay underwater for a longer period of time without having to return to the surface to get more air. This breathing apparatus is called a scuba tank and is filled with compressed air or a gas blend that has been enriched with oxygen (called nitrox).

Scuba diving also provides the opportunity to see marine life in its natural habitat as well as exploring sunken ships, artificial reefs and more. Many people find scuba diving to be relaxing, therapeutic and even meditative as it gives them the chance to leave their everyday stress behind and become one with nature.

It is important for people who want to scuba dive to complete the necessary training before they begin. This training includes a series of classes that teach the fundamentals of water safety as well as how to operate the equipment needed to safely enjoy scuba diving. People who are interested in becoming scuba divers can take courses offered by different scuba diving certification agencies to earn their certification in a short amount of time. These courses will include both theory and practical work in a pool or the open ocean to prepare the diver for diving in a variety of conditions.

How to scuba dive

In order to become a scuba diver you need to take a series of classes and training dives. Often these begin with some classroom-based theory, followed by practice exercises in a confined water space (usually a pool), and then one or more dives in the ocean. This usually takes a few days, and you will have a qualified instructor with you at all times to guide you.

Before each dive, you must set up your scuba gear and double-check that everything is working correctly. Then, before entering the water, you must review and discuss your dive plan with your instructor or guide. Finally, it is important to remain within the parameters of your dive plan and not go too deep – you are unlikely to see much at depths beyond 130ft (40m). Always stay close to your buddy and guide, and obey all diving instruction.

When you are learning to scuba dive, it is normal to feel nervous or anxious at times. Be sure to communicate your concerns with your instructor, and ask for reassurance if you need it. Students who are willing to address their nerves and display a respect for the risks of diving tend to be safer, more focused, and better divers. Before starting any scuba course, you should check with your travel insurance company to make sure that they cover diving-related medical expenses. You should also consult your doctor or GP to be sure that you are fit and healthy enough to undertake recreational diving.


A scuba diver needs a few key pieces of equipment to explore underwater:

Mask, Snorkel and Fins

A mask and snorkel are essential to see the incredible marine flora and fauna. Many divers also choose to use an underwater camera for pictures and video.

Buoyancy Control Device (BCD)

A BCD is a vest or jacket that helps you manage your buoyancy and keep you from floating to the surface or sinking to the bottom of the sea. It allows you to add air to its internal bladder if you want to rise and release air to sink if needed.


A regulator is what allows you to breathe the compressed air from your scuba tank. It consists of two parts: the first stage connects to your cylinder valve and reduces high-pressured air to breathable pressure; and the second stage, which you put in your mouth, is where you actually breathe. Some scuba divers also carry an alternate second stage, known as an octopus or buddy regulator, for emergencies if the primary one runs out of air.

Other equipment a scuba diver might have include a dive computer or submersible pressure gauge (SPG) to track and display decompression requirements, and to help the divers stay within safe limits; a compass to navigate; a slate, which is a small piece of plastic with a special underwater pencil attached; a delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB), or emergency signaling devices like whistles, mirrors and air horns, for alerting other divers to your location on the surface if you need assistance; and dive knives to cut through obstructions or free yourself from entangled lines. Divers also often bring a medical kit that contains medications and wound care items, plus survival gear like water purification tablets and reflective blankets.


Despite sensationalist news stories, diving is an exceptionally safe sport when people follow some basic safety measures. During their training, scuba divers learn about the equipment and how to use it safely, and they also learn how to respond to emergency situations. This extensive knowledge is a critical part of what makes scuba diving such a safe activity.

The most common scuba diving accidents are not related to the equipment itself but rather to human factors. For example, it is important for divers to understand a variety of hand signals and be able to communicate with their dive buddy. Divers must always carry enough air to reach the surface in case of an emergency and should never dive deeper than they can safely equalise.

Equalising is also crucial to avoid ear squeezes. These painful conditions occur when your ears are not able to adapt to the change in pressure as you go deeper. In addition, it is essential to dive in good health and not to dive if you are sick or have a cold.

Additionally, divers must respect marine life and never touch it. This protects them from harm as well as preserves fragile ocean ecosystems. Admiring marine life from a distance is important, as it helps maintain the well-being of the creatures and raises awareness about marine conservation.